Friday, 30 September 2016

Healthy pregnancy tip supplements to avoid

: Prenatal vitamins are an important source of folate and other vital nutrients during pregnancy. And many women, with the popularity of herbal medicine, take other herbs during pregnancy. Some of these herbs they may have been taking before, for an existing condition. Others, they may take to help cope with some of the physical difficulties that go with pregnancy. The following supplements and food additives should be avoided during pregnancy to avoid potential problems with the health of the baby.

  • Quinine - Quinine is found in many drinks like tonic water, and these are popular as a result of their slightly bitter taste. But it was found that one woman who drunk more than 1 liter of tonic water a day whilst she was pregnant had a baby that was suffering withdrawal symptoms when it was born. It had nervous tremors within a day of being born, which disappeared two months later. Germany's BfR (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment) recommends that pregnant women treat quinine drinks, no matter how small the amount of quinine in them, as a medicinal product, and avoid them as a precaution during pregnancy.
  • Ginseng - One of the more than 20 active constituents of ginseng was found by researchers at the Chinese University of the Hong Kong Prince of Wales Hospital to be a possible cause for concern for pregnant women. These researchers were measuring the effect of this active principle on fetal development in rats.

    And they found that, relating to the dose, rat embryonic development was affected. Higher doses meant a higher level of abnormalities, according to the markers of development their study used. Now, this study was one done on rat embryos, and so may not translate into similar effects on humans. And it only studied the effects of one of ginseng's active constituents, which was a ginsenoside called Rb1. Ginseng actually has over 20 ginsenosides, and other studies have found that these each have different actions. One of the difficulties with studying active constituents in herbal medicine is that the whole herbal extract may have a very different overall effect than a single constituent.

    This is because of the way active principles both work together and counteract each other. These two aspects, the fact that the study was not done on humans, and does not measure the overall effect of the whole ginseng extract, mean that its results should be treated cautiously. As a safety precaution, at this time it is best to at least avoid ginseng supplements during the first trimester, as the authors of the study suggest, and probably for the whole of the pregnancy.

    But ginseng should certainly not be branded dangerous as a result of this research as it is only a very preliminary finding in the overall picture, and more points the way as to where further research needs to be done.

  • Ginkgo Biloba - Ginkgo biloba is another supplement that is best avoided whilst pregnant. Researchers at Wayne State University in Detroit found one of the constituents of ginkgo biloba in the placenta of women who had taken ginkgo supplements. This particular constituent, an alkaloid called colchicine, can be fatal in high doses, though medicinally, it has great anti-inflammatory effects. Other research has found that cochicine can harm a growing fetus. The potential problem with taking ginkgo supplements regularly whilst pregnant is that colchicine can build up in the womb, like caffeine when taken in excess of the recommended maximum amounts. The researchers did stress that there was no link established in the study between ginkgo and complications in the pregnancy, the study only looked at levels of colchicine in the womb.

References: nutraingredients-usa/news/ng. asp? id=60554 nutraingredients-usa/news/ng. asp? id=25810 nutraingredients-usa/news/ng. asp? id=20934

Buffalo grove pride of northwest illinois

The Village of Buffalo Grove is located about 35 miles northwest of Downtown Chicago Illinois. The City overlaps both Cook and Lake Counties. Its closest neighbors in Cook County include The Village of Arlington Heights and The Village of Wheeling. In Lake County, the adjacent communities of Long Grove, Vernon Hills, Lincolnshire, and Riverwoods are closest to Buffalo Grove. Since it's founding in 1958, Buffalo Grove real estate has always been in high demand and has, through the years, continued to rise in value. Lately, the appreciated values have been fueled by the Village's infrastructure and its reputation of living standards which feature award winning schools, beautiful parks, wonderful recreational facilities that are designed for every age and life style. There are two public golf courses, totaling over 240 acres, owned and operated by the Village. Additionally, there are indoor and outdoor swimming facilities, and many other recreational activities and courses offered through its well staffed Parks Department. It's proximity to modern transportation systems, including a modern commuter rail system and highways make it an ideal place to live for everyone; singles, new or growing families and retirees and continue to be one of the prime factors in attracting new residents. Buffalo Grove has retained all of the characteristics, which attracted its earliest residents. Today, it remains a community of landscaped-tree lined streets, well maintained homes, with manicured lawns, all located in wonderful 'pride of ownership neighborhoods. Housing development over the past 15 years have produced a mix of single family homes, townhouses, condominiums, apartments, and duplexes. Buffalo Grove provides all of the amenities of living within a country atmosphere with convenient access to the arts, cultural theatre and entertainment, and all of the convenience of having close-by business centers in Chicago. Property values in Buffalo Grove have continued to rise, with sales evening off somewhat since mid 2005, however, the real estate market here is hot and continues to contribute heavily to the local booming economy. Overall real estate sales are positive with most real estate bringing in at least 97% of the original asking price.

Electronics tips voicemail and caller id advantages for cell phone users

Cell phones are convenient for talking while on the go, whether for business or personal use. They enable you to chat with friends or family long distance without paying extra charges. They provide a means for you to talk with family or friends when emergencies occur or when you need to ask a question at the last minute. To go a step further and enjoy even more conveniences, consider setting up voicemail and caller ID on your cell phone. These two features often go unused on cell phones, but yet, they can provide an easy way to capture missed calls and/or avoid unwanted calls on your cell phone. Here are some benefits you'll enjoy using these features. Voicemail Benefits Voicemail on a cell phone is similar to an answering machine, except without the machine and recording cassettes. It can be set up within your cell phone with your own personal message or with an automated message. Voicemail enables your callers to leave messages if you're not available to answer the call or if you are on the line with someone else. Voicemail will even take messages for you if your battery loses power. Check Voicemail from Anywhere Some cell phone plans enable you to check your voicemail from anywhere, even from another phone (land line or cordless) at your home or away at a hotel while on vacation. This is very convenient when traveling if your cell phone battery is out of power and you want to check if anyone has called. You can check the voicemail and call them back on a regular phone if needed. Also, voicemail is still available when you are out of your network. Even if your cell phone is turned off, your friends and family can still leave messages. This ensures that no one calls over and over to only get a ringing tone or busy signal. Caller ID Benefits Caller ID enables you to save money by avoiding unwanted calls and to see who's calling to determine if it's an urgent call or not. With caller ID, you can see who is on the line before answering the call. The screen will usually show a name or phone number, or both. It might also show that the caller cannot be identified in which cases it could be a private number or a telemarketer. If you see that it's a number you don't recognize you can refuse to answer and let them leave a message on your voicemail if it's something important. Enables Cell Phone Etiquette With voicemail and caller ID, you're not always fretting over who might be calling. You can turn your ringer off or down while dining or out for the evening and know that you can check voicemail messages later. You don't have to worry about calls interrupting your meal or your entertainment. Your other party can relax too! With these great features, cell phones provide a convenient way to take calls. You can buy cell phones with the capability for these features at online shopping malls to save money. Brand names are available for cell phones, a PDA, and other electronics such as Sony, Samsung, Nokia, Motorola, and Blackberry. The online mall will also likely carry other great products to save you time and allow you to combine shipping on items. You can enjoy discounts on computer supplies, iPods, Xbox and PS2 games and consoles, and other electronics. Shop online today for the cell phone that fits your personality and calling needs!

Casino en ligne en toute securite

: Tout le monde souhaite кtre rassurй lorsqu'il commence а jouer sur un site de < a href="">casino en ligne pour le fun ou pour de l'argent. En effet, qui ne s'est jamais posй les questions suivantes: " en ouvrant un compte sur ce casino, que va-t-il m'arriver? Les systиmes de paiements et les transactions via ma carte de crйdit sont ils fiables? Comment m'en assurer?" La sйcuritй reste donc l'йlйment essentiel а prendre en compte par le joueur avant d'effectuer quelque pari que ce soit. Comment donc pouvoir jouer en toute tranquillitй? Les casinos virtuels ont donc mis en place des logiciels de cryptage afin de prйserver la confidentialitй de vos donnйes bancaires personnelles. Les numйros de cartes de crйdit Les casinos en ligne sйcurisйs prennent des mesures pour protйger leurs joueurs. Certains sites Web utilisent des logiciels de cryptage pour protйger vos informations financiиres et ont pour йthique de prйserver vos donnйes personnelles. Assurez vous donc de la fiabilitй du site! Pour cela, vйrifiez que le site dispose d'une charte de prйsentation, gйnйralement connue sous la dйnomination " Qui sommes nous?" et contrфlez son йvaluation par des sites professionnels. Prenez le temps de lire chaque page du site concernant les moyens de paiement mis en place, les logiciels utilisйs mais aussi la disponibilitй de leur service client, que vous pouvez йgalement testez au prйalable en les contactant pour un problиme fictif et dйterminer ainsi leur temps de rйaction sur le casino dans lequel vous voulez vous inscrire. Les casinos en ligne les plus sйcurisйs sont les sites les mieux йtablis et reconnus par une instance officielle. Consultez la frйquentation d'un site donnй et vйrifiez les affiliations du site. Les sites rйputйs sont plus populaires et plus sыrs. Aprиs ce premier contrфle, vйrifiez que le site dispose de services non proposйs par des casinos en ligne de mauvaise rйputation. Assurez-vous que le casino propose une assistance client par chat, email ou tйlйphone non facturй. Dans le cas contraire, rendez vous sur un autre site. Vйrifiez aussi que ce casino dispose d'un contrфle et d'une politique а l'encontre de joueurs frauduleux. Certains sites dispose d'un systиme йvaluant le nombre de fois oщ deux joueurs jouent au mкme jeu. En cas de suspicion de tricherie, le site interdit la prйsence de ces derniers а vie. Si vous suspectez une tricherie, contactez le site web immйdiatement. Dans le cas oщ un site ne vous indique pas clairement quel logiciel est utilisй pour prйserver vos informations personnelles ou n'offre pas d'assistance, sortez immйdiatement. Inutile de prendre des risques inutiles. En cas de problиmes de dйconnexion rйpйtйes ou vous semblant suspectes, renseignez vous d'avantage. Inutile de se presser, beaucoup d'informations sont а votre disposition mais prenez surtout le temps de les lire toutes. Pour cela, commencer en simultanй de votre lecture а jouer en parties gratuites, le temps pour vous d'effectuer tous les contrфles nйcessaires et de vous familiariser avec le site en question.

Choosing the best loan cover for you

If you have ever been into a high street bank or lender and asked for a loan, I guarantee that you will have been offered loan cover during the course of the interview. Most people baulk at the thought of it - because of the cost of because they simply do not understand it - and turn it down flat. And although some of the providers do not merit consideration, the overall product does because loan cover is the one thing that can provide you with peace of mind just in case something goes wrong. In truth, loan cover can be a gift from the Gods if an individual was to lose his or her job before the term of the loan had completed. It is hard enough to meet household bills without a job, let alone meet the debt repayments that you have faithfully promised to make. This could lead to CCJs, severe debt and even bankruptcy if an individual is not careful. However, loan cover can prevent all of that happening by covering the repayments on the sum of money you have outstanding for a period of up to twelve to twenty-four months, or until you find steady employment that would allow you to pay the bills again yourself. Loan cover is often offered in conjunction with a loan by a high street bank or lender. However, this may not always be the best possible deal for you. The majority of high street providers will add the total cost of loan cover or the terms of the loan onto the loan sum itself and thus make it subject to interest and extremely difficult to cancel should you find that you do not want it any more. This hardly offers the consumer value for money. Shop around for loan cover by going to a standalone provider, as in most cases, you will save hundreds of pounds in premiums over the term of the loan.

The golden ticket

“Mother! Look! I’ve got it! Look, Mother, look! The last Golden Ticket! It’s mine!” - Charlie, from ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ Just as Charlie needed the sought-after golden ticket to enter the chocolate factory, one who wants to study in the United States needs a student visa to enter ‘the land of the free and the home of the brave…[play ball!]’ What is a student visa and how does it differ from other kinds of visas, such as a tourist visa? There are two types of U. S. visas - the immigrant visa and the non-immigrant visa. A student visa falls under the category of ‘non-immigrant,’ meaning one is temporarily staying in the United States in order to pursue one’s studies. How then does it differ from the usual ‘tourist visa’? By having a ‘tourist visa,’ the holder is assumed to be in the United States for the purpose of sightseeing and visiting family and/or friends. Someone who holds this type of visa can not do other activities inconsistent with being a visitor, such as working or studying. Meaning, a trip to Disneyland is perfectly fine - but getting a job dressing up like Mickey Mouse is a no-no. However, one can change his status if he qualifies. There are three different types of student visas : F, M and J. Check out which one applies to you. 1. F-Visa - this visa is applicable for individuals who have already been accepted into study or research programs in U. S. colleges or universities Benefits of an F-Visa (*taken from VisaProm) A. You can enter the U. S. as a fulltime academic or language student B. You can legally work part-time on-campus. You may also work off-campus if necessary C. You are eligible to take up employment as a part of your optional practical training D. You can travel in and out of the U. S. or remain in the U. S. till the completion of your studies E. You can bring your dependents (spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21) to live with you in the U. S. F. F1 visas are issued quickly Requirements for an F-Visa : (*taken from VisaProm) A. You have successfully completed a course of study normally required for enrollment B. You have been accepted for a full course of study by an educational institution approved by the U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The institution must send you a USCIS Form I-20A-B, Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant F-1 Student Status for Academic and Language Students C. You are sufficiently proficient in English to pursue the intended course of study, or the school you intend to attend has made special arrangements to teach you the English language or conduct the course in your native language Note: You may be exempt from this requirement if you intend to come to the U. S. to participate exclusively in an English language-training program D. You have sufficient funds to cover the first year of study, and access to sufficient funds to cover subsequent years E. You have a permanent residence in your home country, which you do not intend to abandon F. You intend to depart the U. S. upon completion of the course of study. You may establish this by presenting evidence of economic, social and/or family ties in your homeland sufficient to induce you to leave the U. S. upon completion of studies G. Your proposed education in the U. S. would be useful in your homeland, and therefore induce you to leave the U. S. upon completion of studies ~ * ~ 2. M-Visa - applicable for individuals who have been accepted in programs in non-academic U. S. institutions Benefits of an M-Visa (*taken from VisaProm) A. You can enter the U. S. as a fulltime vocational student B. You can legally work part-time on campus. You may also work off campus if necessary (with prior approval from the USCIS) C. You can freely travel in and out of the U. S. while on a valid visa D. Your dependents can live with you as long as you maintain your M1 status E. M1 visas are issued quickly Requirements for an M-Visa : (*taken from VisaProm) A. You have successfully completed a course of study normally required for enrollment B. You have been accepted for a full course of study by a vocational institution approved by the U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The institution must send you a Form I-20M-N, certificate of eligibility for nonimmigrant (M1) student status for vocational students C. You are sufficiently proficient in English to pursue the intended course of study, or the school you intend to attend has made special arrangements to teach you the English language D. You have sufficient funds to cover the first year of study, and access to sufficient funds to cover subsequent years E. You have a permanent residence in your home country, which you do not intend to abandon F. You intend to depart the U. S. upon completion of the course of study. You may establish this by presenting evidence of economic, social and/or family ties in your homeland sufficient to induce you to leave the U. S. upon completion of studies G. Your proposed education in the U. S. would be useful in your homeland, and therefore induce you to leave the U. S. upon completion of studies ~ * ~ 3. J-Visa - particularly for “educational and cultural exchange programs,” these visas are applicable for individuals accepted in programs wherein they are sponsored by organizations through “exchange visitor programs” Benefits of a J-Visa (*taken from VisaProm) A. You can enter the U. S. as an exchange visitor B. Your dependents can stay with you as long as you maintain your J1 status. They can also attend school while on the J-2 dependent visa C. You are exempt from Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax withholdings D. Your dependents are eligible to apply for employment authorization, and may work in the U. S. However, they cannot get work authorization if the money earned is needed to support you Requirements for a J-Visa : (*taken from VisaProm) A. You are sponsored by an organization approved by the Department of State (DOS), and granted authority to issue a Form DS-2019 to prospective J1 applicants B. You have sufficient funds to cover all expenses, or funds must be provided by the sponsoring organization in the form of a scholarship or other stipend C. You have sufficient scholastic preparation to participate in the designated program D. You are sufficiently proficient in English to participate in the designated program, or the sponsoring organization has made special arrangements to teach you the English language or conduct the course in your native language. You may be exempt from this requirement if you intend to come to the U. S. to participate exclusively in an English language training program E. You have a permanent residence in your home country, which you do not intend to abandon F. You intend to depart the U. S. upon completion of the course of study. You may establish this by presenting evidence of economic, social and/or family ties in your homeland sufficient to induce you to leave the U. S. upon completion of studies G. Your proposed education in the U. S. would be useful in your homeland, and therefore induce you to leave the U. S. upon completion of studies If you are coming to the U. S. to receive graduate medical education or training: H. You have passed the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination in Medical Sciences I. The program does not include patient care For more information on being a non-immigrant student in the U. S. and U. S. visas in general, visit : USCIS - U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services SEVIS - The Student and Exchange Visitor Information System

The art of networking

As an entrepreneur you'll come in contact with numerous other business people as you conduct your day to day operations. They could be lawyers, suppliers, customers or other business services providers. These individuals are important to your business in many ways. If they bought your product or service or if you hired them, you can also gain their business knowledge, experience, ideas, and advice if you stay connected to them. This is what networking is all about. Networking is when two or more different businesses stay in contact on a regular basis to help build and improve each others business. Some of the benefits which can be gained by talking to other business people are: ·Knowledge or information that you didn't have before ·Advice on how to solve a current business problem ·Leads to a new business project or opportunity ·Joint ventures and cross promotion deals ·Learning important skills that you didn't have before ·Constructive criticism that improves your business ·Brainstorming that sparks a profitable business idea ·Encouragement and motivation for your projects There are several ways to network with other business people. You could participate in business expositions and trade shows. You might visit business clubs and associations or take part in on-line business related forums, e-mail discussion groups or chat rooms. By using your creativity, you could come up with even more ideas. If you have the time, you could start your own networking group. You could hold meetings at a local seminar room, at a park, or at your own business facility. If you want to hold meetings on-line you can use a private chat room. You should publish a print or e-mail newsletter to keep members informed of meeting dates and times. It is helpful to keep all of your business associates' contact information in one place. Make sure it is organized by business type or profession for easy searching, so when you need some advice on a new marketing campaign you can call your marketing expert. Be sure to follow up and stay in contact by phone or email on a regular basis. Another fantastic way to network with other businesses is to operate a joint venture. This is when two or more businesses join together to work on a project for a set period of time. Participating in joint ventures with other businesses can increase your chances of beating your competition, increase your sales and increase your profits quickly. Other advantages of a joint venture are: ·money can be saved when businesses share operating costs ·referrals can come from other businesses ·valuable time can be saved when businesses share the workload ·new products and services can be offered to your customers ·new business associates can be gained ·money can be saved by sharing advertising and marketing costs ·advice and information can be obtained from other businesses You can find joint venture opportunities with businesses online or offline. I try to find businesses that have the same target audience, but are not in direct competition with my business. Here are a few ways to find joint ventures online: ·subscribe and participate in e-mail discussion groups, online forums and newsgroups that deal with your target audience ·subscribe to e-zines that deal with your targeted audience ·note on your Web site or e-zine that you are interested in doing joint ventures ·search in your favorite web directories and search engines to find businesses for joint ventures online Once you find a business simply e-mail them your proposal. Explain to the business owner the benefits of the joint venture. Discuss why it would be a win/win situation for both of your businesses. Provide feedback regarding their business, Web site, products and services. Using the methods above will enhance your chances of constructing a profitable joint venture.

Gucci designer handbag shopping

While Gucci designer handbag shopping at Neiman Marcus, it was noted that the latest Gucci handbag styles were being laid out. As my heart began to beat excitedly, the sales person explained that the Gucci Handbag Collection had arrived and it was being readied for presentation. The sales person went on to say that it was their pleasure to share these lovely handbag pieces with everyone in the room. While Gucci Designer handbag shopping the delightful designs that I saw were simply outstanding. The Gucci designer handbags featured a wide selection of choices, and many were ornamented with glittering choices. The Spring Summer collection led the march to the counter, with the Cruise handbags following, and the Classics were very elegant, yet brilliant. The Gucci designer handbag shopping trip was just starting and everyone hoped that they would be allow to barter. While Gucci designer handbag shopping, in the Spring Summer line, the handbag presentations were simply marvelous. The Romy Medium Boston Handbag in the Gucci line, which is not available in California, but is made in Italy, displayed itself beautifully in black python. The Romy Medium Boston featured a horsebit ring buckle. There was further metal plate detailing on the Romy Boston that was absolutely and superbly gorgeous. When reviewing Gucci designer handbag shopping techniques with the lady at the counter, The Indy Large Top Handle, made in Italy, and again, not available in California, caught my eye at the very special price of $4990. The Indy Large Top presented itself very regally, in red python, and featured a tassel and some exquisite metal plating detailing. The Britt Medium Top Handle Gucci Handbag was glittery and stunning when Gucci designer handbag shopping allure pulled me along the product line. With a medium handle that was so elegantly shaped, the Britt Medium Top Handle Guicco designer handbag featured such a exciting amount of silver guccissima glittering and gilding all over the place. As the Gucci designer handbag shopping continued, The Princy Medium Hobo Handbag came into view and this handbag was thrilling. While just a Medium Hobo sized Gucci creation, this handbag sent chills and thrills and then time was simply passing away. The glamour and glitz of the silver guccissima stood out, with the bow detail lingering quietly in the background. At this point of Gucci designer handbag shopping, the Gucci Cruise handbags came into view. The Postitano Medium Top Handle, made of dark brown ostrich, captured my heart with it's very beautiful scarf detail. The price was exciting and quite stimulating too, at $6995, a purchase made today, might require two. When Gucci designer handbag shopping, the Classic Handbags styles were presented and they were as expected, and just as I remembered. Within these classically styled handbags, were a fine designer line of selected tooled leathers, fashionably expensive, but in the Gucci designer line. These marvelous handbags offered the most comfort and delightful pleasures of all the best in the delightful Gucci styles. The classical flavor of the style of the Pelham Medium Shoulder Bag came through and seemed like it was adamantly stealing the show, in ivory and cognac color choices too!

Ballyliffin golf club s history of success and failures

Ireland is a bastion of golf course, whether be it parkland or links courses, and they have more than enough for its 4 million population to accommodate many other golfers from all over the world. Blessed with beautiful land and scenic views, vacation golf spots in Ireland are a definite must-play and should provide a wondrous time whether you are just a beginner or a seasoned golfer. To those who have already gone and played at the Ballyliffin Golf Club, they have been blessed of having a chance to play at two great golf courses adjacent to each other. Both straddles the shores of the Atlantic Ocean and provides a challenging game as the wind constantly blows erratically swaying the flight of the golf ball. Either the old links or the Glashedy links provide a relentless pursuit to providing a fun yet unpredictable day of golfing with the best of the old and new provided to its members and visitors. Before the Ballyliffin Golf Club enjoyed its vast popularity today, it has experienced a number of success and failures that have shaped it to be one of the more exciting golf links Ireland has to offer. The concept of starting a golf club in Ballyliffin started out in the later part of the 1940's after the Second World War. By then, a group of people interested in the idea banded together and leased lands and converted it into a 9-hole golf course. The club itself prepared the greens before playing, doing the menial tasks of mowing the grass and checking the area. But the development of the club and the course itself was a slow and painful process. With such a small club that doesn’t have really any resources at all, frustrations and doubts on whether the club should be continued at all flourished. Then the impending end of the lease also was hanging over their heads and the future of their club was slowly darkening. But the sun shone the little golf club from Ballyliffin when the landowners agreed to extend their lease. The club's association with the Irish Christian brotherhood has also helped it recruit more players and improve their revenues. By the time the 1960's were ushering in, the confidence of its members soared and the prospect of owning the land was getting brighter. Then by the late 60's problems with the land arose again as the owners weren’t keen on renewing the lease once again. This prompted the club to look for a larger area to lease and convert into a links course. By 1970, the Ballyliffin Golf Club transferred to a much bigger area and construction soon started. Barely three years after 18 holes were ready to be played. But problems soon arose again. Financial concerns plagued the club and the seawall was being eaten up by the sea as more gravel were being removed for the construction. A masterfully planned charity, bazaars and concerts saved the club from financial disaster and the stopping of construction by the sea saved the property. Soon, more members joined the club and green fees were rising with its new found fame adding more finances to the club's coffers. A new clubhouse was now opened and more facilities and amenities were being put up. Five decades after the original group members decided to start the Ballyliffin Golf Club, a new course was now added. By 1993, the construction started on the new course beside it and was finished two years after. Many professional and golf enthusiasts that the new championship links course was stunningly beautiful and was well designed. With the success Ballyliffin Golf Club has experienced, and the failures that has made it what it is today, you can be sure that a golfing trip to this eventful course would be well worth the long trip from across the globe.

Lead generation machine turn your site into one

Everyone builds a web site thinking it will be the next big thing. Here’s how to really turn your web site into a lead generation machine. Lead Generation Machine With a few simple steps, you can turn your web site into a lead generation machine. Grab the attention of your audience, direct your audience, get feedback, keep track, optimize follow-up efficiency and market. Here's how: Hook Get your audience interested in what you have to offer. Make it exciting with catchy copy and compelling graphics. Project professionalism and let you potential customer know how much better off they will be with your product or service. Do this as soon as possible on the entry page. Direct Tell your audience what to do. If you tell your audience what to do and you have created the impression of authority, they are likely to follow your advice. Tell your audience to buy your product or, if it is a service you sell, fill out an information request form. Form Use your information request form to grab essential information about your potential client. Use an online form to find out exactly what your potential client wants. Use tracking tools to see where the lead originated from, such as what search engine and keyword phrase. Database The information from the form should be inserted into a database for easy searching, scheduling and record keeping. Having a good data base system is essential for the next step. Follow up Follow up with your potential clients, using your database to schedule events and send marketing material. Stay in front of your clients with an email newsletter and friendly calls scheduled through out the year. You want your potential client to remember who you are, so they think of your company when it comes time to make a purchase. Marketing Use search engines, advertisements, television, radio, magazines, billboards, word of mouth, web ads and anything else you can to bring people to your site. If there are no people coming to your site, the best lead generation tools in the world won't help you get new clients. Web sites can be very effective lead generation machines. Put some thought into yours and you should benefit.

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Breaking free from self limiting habits

'We need to think differently to shift our paradigms to a new, deeper, "inside-out" level'; Stephen R. Covey In the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey describes habits as "consistent, often unconscious patterns which constantly, daily express our character and produce our effectiveness, or ineffectiveness". Who we are and what we become is a direct result of our habits. It is in the realm of habits that our character is born, nurtured and outwardly expressed. What we see from the outside is a direct reflection of those deeply embedded habits that have gradually, steadily and consistently ingrained themselves into our psyche. Our behavior is therefore informed by these habits, which with time become so deeply ingrained into our minds that changing them is like attempting to break mountains with bare hands. Breaking free from these deeply-embedded habits is a tall order, especially if they have been acquired over a long period of time. The longer it takes to acquire certain habits, the more difficult it is to break them. And this is not necessarily a bad thing; especially if the habits acquired are positive. Positive habits should be encouraged, even developed where they are lacking. According Mike Bressica, success comes from behaviors, which start out as thoughts. To change your habits or behaviors, you will need to have different thoughts. What occupies your mind; your thoughts; propels you to behave in a certain way. If you don't like the results of your behavior, all you need to do is to change your thoughts. The Bible talks of renewing our mind as a way of transforming ourselves into good, acceptable and perfect people that always seek to do the will of God (Rom 12.2). Renewing or shifting from our current thoughts to those that we desire brings about transformation or change in our lives. This is what is known as having a paradigm shift; adopting a new way of thinking, of doing things, of behavior. The good thing about habits is that they are acquired over time through learning, nuances, brainwashing and experiences. Since they are acquired, they can be replaced by changing the thought patterns that fostered them in the first place. To replace negative, self-limiting thought patterns, which Mike Bressica calls "mental patterns of failure", we must set as a first goal to reduce the impact of these patterns. And this cannot be done overnight. Just as it took time to acquire these mental patterns of failure, it will take time to release them and replace them with 'mental patterns of success'. Paul talking to the Church in Rome expressed his frustration with his inability to rein in his patterns of failure. It appeared to him that he was fighting a losing battle with his mind as he found himself doing the very evil that he did not want to do; and not doing the good that he wanted to (Romans 7: 19). Like so many of us, Paul was at a crossroad. On one side lay the old self-limiting patterns of failure; and on the other, his desire to release these negative patterns, which always led him to do evil, and replace them with those that would propel him into a transformed life of doing good. Highly successful people are those who rid themselves of their patterns of failure by brushing off distractions. When you have no pattern of failure limiting your progress, you are able to overcome temporary setbacks at the thought level. Since the battle for success is won or lost at the thought level, your success or failure in this arena is what makes you successful or unsuccessful. Success comes naturally when you learn how to control your thought patterns. As Bressica says, if you muster the art of thought control, you will not be 'tempted to act opposite to what you know is best. You can keep fear at a minimum. Doubt is nowhere to be found.' But how do you unlearn limiting thought patterns that you have picked up from childhood? How do you break down inscrutable blocks of negative habits that have been distilled and cemented into your psyche since childhood? To merely tell you to change your paradigm would be as vain as telling a hungry person to be filled without giving him food to eat. What we hear, see, experience or sense has a direct bearing on the formation of our habits; which are informed by thoughts, and which are then acted out in the form of behavior. Thoughts are the foundation on which our habits are formed. These habits, depending on their nature, in turn inform our actions or behavior; and success or lack of it solely depends on the actions we take. To take that crucial first step in starting your own business, you must first of all unlearn the employee mentality and start seeing yourself as a successful entrepreneur. But to achieve this paradigm shift is no mean fit. What with years of being told to study hard so that, when you grow up, you will get a good job? To break away from this mold of thinking and start seeing or thinking yourself as a successful business person requires much more than positive affirmations such as 'I can do it'. If 'I can do it' is out of tandem with your thought pattern, then, try as much as you will, you can’t do it. I believe with all my heart that if you can think it, you can do it. The writer of the Book of Proverbs (23:7) knew this all too well when he said that 'as one thinks in his heart, so is he'. Your thoughts define the kind of person you become. Countless times we blame external circumstances while in reality the core cause of our failure can be found in our thought patterns.

Prepaid debit cards sometimes a necessity but very effective

Prepaid debit cards are one of the more safe methods of building credit for a consumer, as well as one of the more safe methods of issuing credit for a bank. The basic commonality all prepaid cards have is that a deposit of some kind must be made by the person before the bank will grant them credit. Card varieties differ in the amount of credit given based on the deposit, but the typical limit is 100% of the deposit. Over time, some issuing companies will permit the consumer leniency and increase the amount of credit given in proportion to the deposit. Why, you may ask, is this necessary? Prepaid debit cards sound like a way to give your money to someone else before you spend it. From outside the perspective of the world of credit, yes, it does seem redundant. But take a look at this hypothetical situation, from the perspective of a consumer, and hopefully some light will be shed on the usefulness of prepaid debit cards. Carl was living it up. He had a six-figure salary, a wife to make all other husbands jealous, a new Land Rover, and an upscale apartment. The thought of credit issues was laughable at this pristine moment in his life. But something happened. Carl's luck began to turn. His beautiful wife, an amateur tennis fiend, was taking far too many lessons with her 25 year old Italian instructor, specifically at his private retreat where her cell phone curiously could not get reception. Carl's company hadn't made the mark for the quarter, and people at corporate were hunting heads. Carl's head, recently bald because of stress from the Mrs., must have stuck out, because he was the first one fired. Then the divorce started, and while Carl was quite sure that he wasn't to blame for his wife's infidelity with someone half his age, she none the less made off with the car and apartment, and some serious alimony payments to come from Carl. Carl's credit score plummeted as he defaulted on his bills. He was left a broken, unemployed, bald man who could never watch tennis again. When things leveled off years later, Carl wanted to rebuild his credit, though no credit card companies would accept him. He needed to find a way to transfer his cash into the world of credit, just so he could show that he'd make good on some payments. As you can guess, Carl's answer is a prepaid debit card. He can show the bank that he's legitimate, in a way that only giving them cash can. The bank put credit on his card; Carl purchased Rogaine and a low-powered anti-depressant; and bingo, his credit began to return. So, if you find yourself in such a situation, needing credit but inspiring no confidence from issuing companies, prepaid debit may be the way to go. Additionally, on a more serious note, pre-paid debit cards are increasingly used by those with relatively good credit as a method of controlling their spending. If there is not enough balance available for a charge, the charge will be denied. And there is no mandatory payment due at the end of the billing cycle.

Quitting smoking through hypnosis

Smoking is one of the most difficult vice to let go. It is because it is difficult to drop the habit that techniques and devices were created to help smokers in their fight to become smoke-free. It includes the use of smoking aids like: nicotine patches, artificial cigarettes, nicotine gums that help smokers get through nicotine cravings. Some techniques use the help of relaxation exercises like deep-breathing exercises or yoga to help calm a person down during moments of restlessness when withdrawal symptoms attack. And some people find it easy to just undergo hypnosis to get rid of their smoking habits. But how does hypnosis help in the fight to stop smoking? Hypnosis isn't just a simple technique wherein a trained professional embeds thoughts into your mind and you'll wake up wanting to do what they tell you. It also involves positive affirmations and suggestions to back you up on your chosen cause. Hypnotherapy has a particularly high success rate in helping smokers fully quit, making it one of the most commonly sought out treatments for quitting smoking. It is also partly because, instead of focusing on the negative aspects of smoking, it informs the smoker of the positive effects they can enjoy if they stop smoking. Usually people who use the natural method of quitting smoking complain about the most crucial part of the process, this is the time when withdrawal symptoms start kicking in. These withdrawal symptoms include restlessness, dry mouth, nicotine craving, quitter's flu, irritability, fatigue, an inability to concentrate, constipation, and a feeling of tightness in the chest. These symptoms are largely a result of powerful conditioned responses. With hypnotherapy as a means to quit smoking, you can do away with the hassles of experiencing these withdrawal symptoms. With hypnosis, we reinforce these conditioned responses with positive thoughts. This means creating new conditioned responses to override those that think you will fail to stop smoking. Here is an easy and simple way to get yourself started in stopping smoking for good: make a list of all the benefits you can enjoy from being a non-smoker. Close your eyes and imagine your future self where you are no longer a smoker. Let your future self think back on the time line and remember how quick and easy it was for you to stop smoking. Reflect on the wonderful feeling you felt when you realized the one day you've let go of the desire to smoke and stopped giving it any thought. Think of how proud you will feel the next time somebody offers you a light and you were able to successfully refuse. Enjoy that freedom and bring it back with you to your present self. To create an anchor for this feeling, press your thumb and forefinger together on your right hand and hold it for about thirty seconds. After having anchored that new, powerful condition response follow these steps when you feel a craving to have the treatment work more effectively: 1. Take three deep breaths, hold each breath for at least eight counts, and then exhale fully. 2. Drink a large glass of water all at once. 3. Use the anchor you've created and have a nice, long moment of peace and quiet. 4. Eat an orange. Oranges have bioflavinoids that combat cravings. The act of peeling an orange also gives your hands something to do, and the smell of the orange is a lot better than that of cigarette. Hypnosis is more than what we see in television shows or movies. In fact, you cannot make people do anything using hypnosis. The truth is, if someone doesn't want to stop smoking, they will be even more definite about that during hypnosis sessions! People can always lie during hypnosis sessions, the effectivity of this treatment only depends on a person's willingness to let go of this habit and finally stop smoking.

Pro and home gym equipment

Exercise has become an integral part of everyday life of most people. An individual spends at least some part of his life in exercise. Exercise can be done with equipment or without equipment. Gym equipment helps in exercising a specific part or group of muscles or organs of the body. Today a wide range of gym equipment are available in the market. The most common gym equipment are multigyms, treadmills, swiss balls, dumb bells, bar bells, rowing machines, exercise bicycles, balance boards, abdomen exercisers resistance bands and punching bags. There are various facilities, equipment associated with gym equipment like heart rate monitors, sauna baths, swimming pools etc. A multigym consists of incremented weight plates that move up and down on steel guides. It usually consists of attachments for exercise of chest, arms, thighs, calves, shoulders and pectorals (sometimes called wings or pecs). Treadmill is an equipment used for running without moving any distance. It consists of a conveyor belt which slides on rollers on which the individual can run or walk. Swiss ball or yoga ball is a rubber ball of 50 to 85 cm which is used to develop balance and exercise the abdominal and back muscles. Dumbbells and bar bells are the traditional gym equipment. They consist of variable or fixed free weights attached to a small or long bar. They are lifted against gravity to tone muscles like biceps, triceps, forearm muscles, chest and shoulder muscles etc. They usually come in pairs. Rowing machines are gym equipment designed to stimulate rowing in water. They are used to exercise pecs and back muscles. Exercise bicycles are stationery bicycles with resistance discs for wheels. They are used to exercise thigh and calf muscles. Balance board consists of a board fixed on a bearing. It is used to develop balance. Abdomen exerciser consists of an inclined board with leg rollers for doing sit ups. It is used to exercise the stomach and abdomen muscles. All the above equipment except free weights have attached electronics to monitor number of cycles and other parameters. Resistance bands are elastic bands and in these the resistance of the band to stretching is used to exercise muscles like quadriceps and deltoids. Punching bag consists of sand filled cushioned bags or other rugged material bags for practice by boxers. They are either hung from the ceiling or fixed on a stand. Most professional gyms have the above mentioned equipment along with other facilities like swimming pools, sauna baths, steam baths etc. For a home gym, a multigym with a few dumbbells and barbells are sufficient for workout of the entire body. The starting price of a multigym is around 1500$. The cost of other equipment varies according to the make.

Creating the right corporate casual wardrobe

What is Not Corporate Casual? There are casual clothes and there are corporate casual garments. Not all casual clothes can be worn to the office as part of a corporate casual dress code, even on casual Fridays. What anyone should remember when dressing for the office is that even on casual Fridays, one should look like a professional, a person with authority and a person who can be trusted to do the job well. What does not count as corporate casual? Sneakers and sweatpants have no place in a corporate casual wardrobe. They are casual and very comfortable to wear, indeed, but they are too laidback to be worn to the office. Counting jeans as a corporate casual garment depends on the dress code of the particular office. Some offices allow their employees to wear jeans while some do not. Some, however, do let their people wear them on casual Fridays. Garments that are too tight, too short and too revealing should not be worn to the office either. So, very short mini-dresses, very short miniskirts and short pants cannot be counted as corporate casual garments. Tube tops, halter tops, spaghetti-strapped blouses and any top made out of sheer, see-through fabric cannot be worn to the office either, unless one has a jacket, a blazer or a cardigan to wear over the blouse. Wearing flip-flops to the office should also be avoided, even on casual Fridays. It is acceptable to wear flip-flops at home, when going to the mall or when going to the beach, but not when going to the office. It is far too laid-back and emits the wrong vibes at the office. T-shirts and polo shirts are staples of casual Fridays, but even those have limits. One should avoid wearing faded T-shirts or T-shirts with big logos on the front to the office. They look too unprofessional. Building a Corporate Casual Wardrobe When shopping for garments that will be used for corporate casual or casual Friday outfits, the shopper should make her choice just the way she would when she is considering career outfits. Even if they are casual clothes, they should still show her as a competent, professional person who knows what to do and can be trusted to do what needs to be done. For the sake of practicality, one should buy corporate casual clothes in the five basic colors that can be mixed and matched together. For those who do not know, the five basic colors used in corporate attire are navy blue, maroon, dark green, brown and black. One does not need to have a lot of corporate casual clothes as long as what she has are of good quality and can be mixed and matched. Some staple garments in corporate casual attire are: * T-shirts or polo shirts. They can be plain or patterned. They can have subdued or bright colors. They could be of any style or sleeve length. The important thing about choosing the right T-shirt as part of a corporate casual get-up is that it does not have loud, attention-getting logos or messages, and that it does not have a hem that is short enough to bare the waist or bellybutton. * Jeans. Jeans are the ultimate in casual comfort and style. Bootleg cuts are the best because they never go out of style. One should check first if it is acceptable to wear jeans in the office. * Dresses. Some dresses are nice and fresh to wear at the office. However, if one is to wear a dress for casual Fridays, one should choose a dress that has sleeves, does not have a low neckline, is not made of sheer fabric, and has a hemline that is around an inch or two above the knee and not another inch more. If the dress is sleeveless, it should be paired with a flattering jacket or cardigan. As for shoes, sneakers and flip-flops should be avoided at all costs. Flat shoes or low-heeled shoes are great casual Friday footwear. Accessorizing a Corporate Casual Outfit The accessories one wears as part of corporate casual dressing or as part of a casual Friday outfit should match the intended overall look. For example, a sporty watch may look better with a casual Friday outfit rather than a dress watch. Sparkly baubles and expensive, eye-catching jewelry should also be worn minimally or left out totally. Taking Care of Casual Clothes It is natural to take care of career outfits because they are the clothes worn to work. But casual clothes need the proper care and maintenance as well. Shirts, jeans and other garments that are meant to be part of a corporate casual or casual Fridays get-up should be clean, mended and ironed properly before they are worn to work. Shoes should be clean; if they are made of leather, they should be given a polish. Corporate casual clothes and casual Friday outfits may be a little more laidback than the usual career garments. Nonetheless, even when one is wearing casual clothes to work, one should still maintain a look that bespeaks of professionalism, capability and trust.

Why buy a gas scooter

By Flemming Andersen Buying a gas scooter is a great idea for anyone that is wants to save money and have fun at the same time. You can get a lot of use from one of these fun and exciting motorized vehicles. A gas scooter is a money saving idea that will give a lot of people the fun and the power to get from one location to another. There are scooters of all sizes to meet the requirements that you need to have in order to ride safely. You can take your time and pick out the one that you like best. You will learn to feel comfortable and get attached to your gas scooter just like you would a regular bike or even a car or truck. One nice thing about a gas scooter is that her is no registration require for it. This means that you do not have to pay anything for the running he scooter. This will save you money each year. You will not have to send in the form and the money to the commonwealth each year to ride the scooter on the road. You also do not need any special license or insurance for the gas scooter. This means that you can ride the scooter and not have to worry about the high cost of insurance or going and getting a special drivers license to ride it. However, this also means that if you wreck the scooter or it gets damaged in any way, you will not be covered and it may cost you more to have it fixed. These are the things that you have to consider when you are thinking about getting a gas scooter. The best part of a gas scooter is the money that you are going to save on gas. You will save a fortune if you are someone that is always on the go. You will not have to worry about paying a lot at the pumps when you are driving a scooter. You will still have the power to make it up steep hills because it is a gas scooter. You will get a lot better horsepower with a gas scooter then you would with an electric one. This is a good idea if you live anywhere that is not flat. Gas powered scooters are a lot less expensive than cars and other forms of transportation. When you want to save money and still get around on your own, a gas scooter may be just the thing for you. You can still go where you want to and when you want, the only difference will be that you will not have to pay high gas costs and all the extras like insurance or registration. This may be worth your time checking into in order to save time and money. For more info visit: scootergas. info/

The southern costa blanca spain

Flying into the International airport of Alicante, places you right in the centre of the Costa Blanca holiday region. To the south, the costal plane is fairly flat with long sandy beaches, many of them blue flag, ideal of your Costa Blanca vacation. The region of Murcia has many golf courses to choose from, La Manga is probably the most famous, right at the southern most point of the Costa Blanca coast and next to the Mar Menor, an inland sea famed for its healing properties. The costal town of Torrevieja, with its port and new marina, is an ideal location for golfers to stay. Nearby are the golf resorts of Villamartin, Campoamor, Las Ramblas and Ciudad Quesada. Many people have visited this area from abroad, fallen in love with it and bought a home, either to settle down here or use as holiday accommodation or an investment. To the south of Torrevieja is the rocky headland of Cabo Roig, often referred to as the jewel of the southern Costa Blanca with its hidden bays and blue flag beaches. Between Cabo Roig and Torrevieja are the resorts of La Zenia and Playa Flamenca with their family safe sandy beaches. Inland from Torrevieja are the salt lakes which have been mined for salt for centuries. The lakes are an ideal location for bird spotters as Flamingos can be seen here. To the north of Torrevieja the sandy beach stretches some 17 km to Santa Pola and the resort village of La Marina. Both these vacation resorts are about 20 to 25 minutes from the airport at Alicante. La Marina and Santa Pola are near to the La Marquesa golf course at Rojales 8 km inland. The area is known as the market garden because of the numerous olive, orange, lemon groves. Alicante is much more than just a setting for the airport. The town is steeped in history and has a beautiful promenade and excellent shopping district amongst the historic buildings. You can also catch a boat from here to the nature resort on the islands of Tabarca.

The myth of free magazine

It makes sense to say "there is no free lunch" when we are talking about magazine subscription that costs $15 to $20 a year. However, I am sure you will be shocked when you know how much the so-called “discount magazine” and “cheap magazine” has ripped you off after reading this article and I can guarantee that you will never ever pay a magazine in full price again. Some may argue that it is not uncommon to see the so-called “cheap magazine subscription” promoting the idea that “the majority of the publishers’ revenue came from advertisement and so it is possible to give away magazines for free in order to attract more readers.” While it is true in circulation that a large proportion of income do actually came from advertisement, only paid subscribers counts on the “rate card” and not the free subscribers. All magazine publishers set their “ad rate” based on the number of paid subscribers from an audit report every quarter and therefore it is simply not possible for publishers to give away magazines for free to boost the sales and cheat the advertisers. Publishers can be fined heavily if they are found to misreport their readership. Even though it is impossible to get free magazine directly from publishers, it doesn’t necessarily mean free magazine doesn’t exist. As a freebie hunter myself, I would like to share with you three common ways of getting magazines for absolutely free throughout the internet. 1)Trade magazine: Different from consumer magazines, trade magazines (e. g. Oracle and CFO) are flexible to adjust their “ad rate” as long as they are able to deliver qualified readers to their advertisers. That’s the reason why you will see free magazine provider such as Freebizmag ( freebizmag/) often asked you a lot of questions regarding your occupation and job function before they give you the free magazines for free. 2)Consumer magazine: Not many people are interested in the trade magazine because most of the time those magazines are hard to read. A lot more people are looking for popular consumer magazines such as Maxim, FHM or PC magazine for free. Some sites like Magcentral and Freebie-magazine ( freebie-magazine. info/user/index3.php) are sponsored by a third party sponsor to provide the magazine for free. You will usually have to fill out a short form or survey to get your magazine for free. 3)Publishers: Sometimes publishers will give away a free 1 year subscription (usually in digital format) for marketing purpose. This is the best kind of subscription as the subscription itself is provided by the publishers, so the risk of not getting the magazine will be the lowest among the three possible choices. A good example to illustrate this kind of subscription will be Tango. ( tangomag/tabid/210/Default. aspx? sssdmh=dm24.96957&Source=I6PG01) One last thing to mention is that unless a magazine is written clearly on the page for renewal, you can always choose a new offer for renewal. But please keep in mind that it is very important to find a way (e. g. through email or the online form) to let the free magazine provider know whether the subscription is new or renewal, or you will have a high chance of not getting your favorite magazines. Also, it is possible to receive a renewal notice that looks like a bill or invoice at the end of your subscription. Please read through it very carefully as most of the time it is not a bill. I have received over 30 free magazine subscriptions over the internet and I have never received an invoice or paid for a penny. The trick to get your favorite magazines for free is to sign up for as many newsletters from publishers as possible and to check out free magazine sites closely. I hope you will enjoy your free magazines.

Interesting old dog tricks for dog owners looking for fun laughter

: The teaching and training of dog tricks while not a necessary part of a dog’s education, is an achievement that offer dog owners and his friends a great deal of amusement and adds materially to the value of a dog. Training your dog tricks can be difficult and frustrating if you cannot achieve the results you want. However, unlike house and potty training which are vital education for any dog, I feel that the end-results is not the most significant element in trick training, to me the most important part is that both of you enjoy the training process and have fun along the way. Listed in this article are 3 interesting dog tricks that you can teach your dog: Dead Dog Place a dog on his back or side or in any position you may select, threaten him with your forefinger and say “dead” or any word that you may select to associate with this trick, use both hands to help him stay in that position when you first begin training. Praise him and offer treats if he can stay in position. With regular practice, he should be able to stay in the position in which you have placed him, it is only a question of practice when you can call to him and say “dead,” and he will lie down and stretch out in the position that you have accustomed him to taking. Sneezing With careful and patient training, most dogs can be taught to sneeze. This is accomplished by tickling the nose - with a feather. At first he will snap at it, and under normal circumstances, most dogs will start to sneeze; he will not like the feather very well and in course of time his imagination will foreshadow its effects and he will begin to sneeze as soon as it is pointed in close proximity to his nose. When he sneezes, use a command like “Sneeze”, to associate with this trick. As usual, praise and treat when he gets it right. By repeating this operation at odd times the dog can be taught to sneeze very creditably when you point your finger at his nose and give him the word “Sneeze,” and finally will do so simply at command. This trick can be fun and entertaining but not easily achievable especially with dominant dogs. If your dog get irritated and turn aggressive toward you when you tickle his nose, you should stop training immediately. Bringing His Tail During play, dogs frequently grasp their tails in their mouths. If you haven’t notice, if you take hold of your dog tail while playing with him, he will probably seize your hand, but if you skillfully slip his tail in his mouth he will grab it – Interesting! These facts suggested the trick of “Bringing his tail.” It is a rather difficult feat to accomplish, but it is possible for any amateur to teach it to his dog providing the dog has a long enough tail and the trainer sufficient patience - Sorry to dog owners with short tails! Anyway, this trick is very amusing, for when the dog has his tail in his mouth he can only advance crab-fashion or sideways, with a tendency to go around in a circle without making much advance. The first step in teaching this trick is to praise the dog when he first gets his tail in his mouth, and after he has held it for a few moments bid him to let go and reward him. Should he give up his hold before you order him to do so, speak sharply to him and begin all over again. When he learns to hold his tail until ordered to relinquish it the first part of the trick has been taught, and you can begin to teach him to bring it to you. To do this, step back a few feet from the dog in the direction he can most easily advance, and call him. If he releases his hold of his tail to come to you, ignore him and replace the tail in his mouth again, but when he comes without letting go he should be rewarded gradually increase the distance you require him to carry his tail, but this task is so difficult that he should not be asked to go more than ten or twelve feet. In beginning the trick, when you place his tail in his mouth say “Bring me your tail,” so as to accustom him to the command. In time you will not have to place his tail in his mouth, but merely hold it for him to grasp, and after still further practice he will seize it at the word without your assisting him. Enjoy training your dog new tricks, and most importantly enjoy the process and have a great deal of fun and laughter!

Fisherman s wharf san francisco a short tour

Nearly 16 million people visit San Francisco each year, and more of those people visit Fisherman’s Wharf than any other area of the city. Indeed, as many as 3,000 people per hour walk through the intersection of Jefferson and Powell during the peak season. What makes Fisherman’s Wharf so appealing? Read on to learn more about the Wharf’s main attractions. History Fisherman’s Wharf began in the 19th century as the home of the San Francisco fishing fleet. At one time there were as many as 500 fishing boats, which were coming and going all day long. The Italians and the Chinese were the main rivals in the fishing industry, but due to the high degree of discrimination against the Chinese, the Italians were able to dominate the business. The area between Taylor and Jones Street is now known as the Italian Harbor, and many of the restaurants, such as Scoma’s, Tarantino’s, Alioto’s, and others, are named after their Italian founders. Pier 39 Pier 39 is the highlight of Fisherman’s Wharf. Pier 39 attractions include 110 shops, 13 restaurants, the Aquarium of the Bay, and the California sea lions. The sea lions are there throughout most of the year. They only leave during their mating season, which takes place over about three weeks from early to late July. Also, if you need to catch a taxi, the Wharf’s main taxi stand is in front of Pier 39’s main entrance. Alcatraz At present, the Blue and Gold Fleet is the exclusive operator of Alcatraz ferries. All Alcatraz ferries leave from Pier 41. During the summer months, tickets are often sold out as much as a week in advance, so you should purchase your Alcatraz tickets before you arrive in San Francisco. Boudin Bakery The Boudin Bakery flagship restaurant is a huge two-story building which houses a demonstration bakery, a restaurant, and a small cafй. Throughout much of its history, Boudin was secretive about its bread making process. Now, you can watch the bakers at work through the 30-foot window in front of the bakery. Watch as they make bread sculptures of every kind of sea creature imaginable. If you would like to learn even more, Boudin provides guided tours until 5 PM every day. Bistro Boudin on the second floor has outdoor balcony seating, a big-screen TV, and a collection of historical pictures of San Francisco. Seafood Restaurants The restaurant industry began in Fisherman’s Wharf in 1916 when Castagnola’s became the first restaurant licensed by the city to sell seafood on the street. Many of the restaurants began as chowder stands serving the fishing fleet. Today, the largest concentration of seafood restaurants on the Wharf is at the end of Taylor Street, next to the Italian Harbor. The best-known Wharf restaurant, Scoma’s, is the busiest restaurant in the entire city. They have their own fishing boat, and they do their own preparation, so you can be sure the fish is fresh. Their specialty is blackened swordfish, which is seasonal. They don’t accept reservations, and it is not uncommon to wait 45 minutes for a table at dinner time during the peak season. The Cannery The Cannery was the first building built on Fisherman’s Wharf after the 1906 earthquake. Originally it was a peach canning plant for Del Monte, the largest peach canning plant in the world at that time. After falling into disrepair for many years, the Cannery was bought in 1963 by Leonard V. Martin, a San Francisco lawyer, who reinforced the exterior of the building and completely redesigned the interior to accommodate the shopping complex that is there today. There are no chain stores in the Cannery; each store is one of a kind. The building next to the Cannery, the Haslett Warehouse, originally served as the warehouse for the Cannery, and as living quarters for some of the Cannery workers. The building now houses the Argonaut Hotel. Ghirardelli Square The first building built on what is now Ghirardelli Square was the Woolen Mill, which housed the Pioneer Woolen Mill. After the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, the owner of the woolen mill had to fire his Chinese workers, and he went out of business. Ghirardelli and his sons bought the building in 1892 and moved their chocolate factory to it. The other buildings of Ghirardelli Square were built over the next thirty years as the chocolate factory expanded. In the 1950’s the factory moved across the bay to San Leandro. The owners, wanting to preserve these historic buildings, converted the square into a shopping complex, the first shopping complex built on Fisherman’s Wharf, which was completed in 1964. As you can see, there are many things to do at Fisherman’s Wharf. There is a great deal of history on the streets, and on your next trip to San Francisco, we recommend that you visit the Wharf and have a look.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Preventing online identity theft

Identity theft is one of the most common criminal acts in society today. Criminals will use your personal information such as banking accounts and passwords, to pretend that they are you. They may take out credit cards in your name, mortgages, or even worse. The internet has opened up a whole world of possibilities for these criminals, and the threat is very real. There are things that you can do to help prevent such a crime. It costs very little to protect your information, and it is money well spent. The following is a list of tips to help you protect yourself from identity theft. Search around for the best price on these services, to make the most out of your money. 1. Monitor your credit report often. The U. S. government suggests that you check your credit report yearly to prevent identity theft. Every person is entitled to one free credit report a year though annualcreditreport. I would suggest checking your credit report several times a year for the highest level of protection. Look for unexplained charges or activity on your report. You can often sign up for a credit monitoring service for a few dollars a month. They will watch your credit report for you, for signs of foul play. For a good deal, look for a credit monitoring service, you should be able to get a good discount on various services online. 2. Bank with a credible bank. Stick with a financial institution that is well known. No only will they offer you the highest level of protection, but they often have the best interest rate deals around. Get your credit cards through reputable companies as well. Be weary of small companies, with little credentials. 3. Don’t give out your personal information to anyone. A good financial situation will never ask for your login information or passwords. Be weary of anyone that asks you for your mother’s maiden name. This is one of the most common items used for identity theft. Use your birthplace or pets name whenever possible. It will be harder to steal your information. Protecting yourself online doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. By looking for deals and promotions at coupon websites, you can save a great deal on the services that you need. I would recommend using the free credit report option, coupled with a credit monitoring service for the best protection. The earlier you catch criminal activity, the less damage they are able to do.

By the numbers

Everyone knows there are certain things that simply do not go together: oil and water, fire and ice, nerds and jocks. However, an interesting trend is developing in cross-cultural enjoyment. More jocks than ever have been working Sudoku puzzles as a way of empowering and perfecting their critical thinking skills. While it seems unusual to see a mathematic puzzle in a baseball dugout something even more unusual is in the stands. Scores of nerds (engineers, accountants, computer geeks) now fill baseball's box seats. The reason for the attraction to poindexters everywhere may be that baseball, more than any other sport, celebrates and glorifies numbers. The records One of the things that keeps baseball fans coming back, tuning in and going to the stadium is to watch records be made and broken. It's interesting to know the top record holders in each category and watch their achievement pursued. Look up a baseball record sheet on the Web and you may be spending a long time running down list of everything from most hits by a left-hander in a single-season to the highest number of steals from a pitcher. Watching somebody approach and take a record is an exciting visceral experience, as we hold out hope to see a record challenged. Currently, baseball fans are fixated on whether or not Barry bonds can beat Hank Aaron's 755 homerun mark. Nerds, who love memorizing and categorizing numbers, find themselves right at home watching records stand and predicting their fall. Statistics Of course, you don't have to wait for a major record to be broken to get excited about numbers in baseball. Every single game, every single player, and every single pitch has been placed in categories for you. Listening to the baseball announcer is a lot like listening to a very excited math professor most of the time. They tell you batting percentages, pitching averages, field lengths and times at bat. Many baseball parks offer free scorecards to fans so that they can track the pitches and hits themselves. Statistics are attractive in baseball, because they help remind us that beyond the sport there is a science. Baseball is made of angles and force, physics and math. Now who wouldn't want to go out on a sunny afternoon and watch all that? Money Unfortunately, the things that make you can also be the things that break you. Another set of numbers has become prominent in baseball that doesn't add so much to the joy of the game. That would be salaries, trade-offs, endorsements and other things involved with money. While sports are fun to watch, somebody must pay the athletes to do it. And when money changes hands in amount that it does in baseball it's bound to have an effect on what goes on the field. When a batter is averaging .125 and he is getting paid $1.8 million to do it suddenly every missed pitch seems like a stab to the wallet as well as the heart. Overall, baseball has been America's pastime for a long time and that it will probably continue long into the future. However, when you look around at the crowds of folks who attend the games don't be surprised to see people with laptops, glasses and polo shirts. The nerds are drawn to numbers and they are here to stay.

A skin care home business is it right for me

Skin care home businesses aren't a new idea. If you decided to start your own skin care home business, you wouldn't be doing something that numerous women haven't already done before successfully. But that doesn't mean that there isn't room for one more outgoing and beauty conscious woman to come in and make some extra money. So is a skin care home business right for you? Only you can decide that. I have put together five tips to help you decide if a skin care home business is right for you. 1. You must have an interest in what you are selling. If you don't wear makeup or use skin care products on a regular basis, then you might just want to consider another home business. Successfully selling beauty and skin care products is something that should be fun for you. If you don't know eyeliner from mascara, it will probably be very difficult for you to be successful. 2. Keep yourself up to date on trends in fashion and beauty. Skin care home businesses can be really successful. Can you convince your clients that they need this season's newest colors, or why they should try something that they wouldn't normally wear? 3. Skin care home businesses require organization. Having a skin care home business will require you to have an excellent filing and ordering system. Don't worry if you aren't very organized now. Just remember, if you want to start a skin care home business you will need to be organized. 4. Know your stuff. Whatever brand of beauty and skincare products you are selling, you must be using it yourself. If you don't trust your product, how can you expect your customers to do the same? When you go to pick up or drop off customer orders, tempt them with a great looking lipstick - the same one that you are wearing. 5. Always remember to be friendly and helpful. If you want to be successful in your skin care home business, you must be willing to help your clients. Make sure that you can give them recommendations based on their skin tones and personal style. Always remember to be courteous, even if they only order one product. If your customer has a positive experience buying beauty and skincare products from you, they will likely buy from you again. Not to mention, tell their friends about their pleasant experience buying from you. Being friendly and courteous will definitely help your skin care home business grow and be successful. You should now have a much clearer picture to help you decide if a skin care home business is right for you. Remember, cosmetics, skincare and beauty products are a huge industry. Every year women are trying to do more and more to keep their skin looking young and healthy. If you are interested in starting a skin care home business, there are many to choose from. Always research any company before joining and investing your money.

Acupuncture a benefit

Before we begin a discussion about the benefits of acupuncture, let’s talk about the origins of acupuncture. It was first used in China over 2000 years ago, and is one of the oldest medical procedures in the world. It is a family of procedures that stimulates the anatomy of the body and helps to balance the energy flow throughout the body. It is this kind of acupuncture that is practiced in the United Sates today, through the use of tiny, metallic needles placed in affected areas and manipulated by hand or by electrical stimulation. Acupuncture is the basic foundation for Traditional Chinese Medicine and is based on the belief that there are two opposing and inseparable forces within our body. They are known as the Yin and Yang of the entire person. The Yin is representative of the cold, slow, or passive principle, and yang represents the hot, excited or active principle. A healthy state is achieved by maintaining a balance state of the yin and yang. This is done through vital pathways or meridians that allow for the flow of qi, or vital energy. The vital energy flow occurs along pathways known as meridians. These meridians connect over 2,000 acupuncture points along the body. There are 12 main meridians, and 8 secondary meridians. Although traditional western medicine does not completely understand how acupuncture works, the proof that it does work has been shown in several studies conducted by western medical facilities. Now, let’s move to the question of does it work? According to the National Institute of Health, the answer would be yes. Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in many areas of health care. Areas such as postoperative nausea, chemotherapy side effects, osteoarthritis, low-back pain, headache, menstrual cramps, addiction, carpal tunnel syndrome, and asthma, just to name a few. The study revealed that acupuncture was able to provide pain relief, improve function and mobility of joints due to arthritis inflammation, and served to complement standard care. Although there are many who would doubt the effectiveness of acupuncture, once they are a patient, they are believers. It has been proposed that acupuncture works and produces its effects through regulating the nervous system. The theory proposes that since acupuncture produces its effect through regulation of the nervous system, it induces the release of endorphins and immune system cells at specific sites on the body. There is also the theory that acupuncture alters the brain chemistry by the changing the neurotransmitters in the brain. Without doubt acupuncture was a benefit in the study, and as a patient myself, I can vouch for the wonderful effect it has had on my back. Although acupuncture is classified as an alternative medicine therapy, and there is still much to be understood about the way it works, it is a proven aid in maintaining optimal health. But what about the well individual, can acupuncture provide a benefit to them? Absolutely. Because acupuncture works off the belief that we must maintain balance of our vital energy flow in order to remain healthy, acupuncture serves as the tool for realignment. Our vital energy flow can be out of balance, and we still feel and appear quite healthy. It is in this capacity that acupuncture serves as a sort of preventive medicine. Checking and balancing the flow of energy on the meridian points in your body is like your car receiving a tune-up before it is in need of a repair.

Choosing the best martial arts style

Choosing The Best Martial Arts Style For anyone who wants to learn a martial art, there is a lot to know in regards to the many different styles. Of course there is the question of finding the best martial art, which is a question a lot of people ask With so many martial arts styles to choose from, it can be very complicated to pick one to learn. No matter you may hear or what others have to say, it is quite impossible to name one style of martial arts as the ultimate best. Actually, there are several factors that come into play, which makes a statement about a style being the best impossible. Even though one style may beat another in a competition or a fight, doesn’t always mean that the winning style is the best. Before deciding to rush out there and learn a martial art, there are several things that you should decide first. Martial arts are great to learn, no matter which style you decide on. A martial art can teach you self discipline, self defense, and several other traits that will help you no matter where you decide to go in life. Self defense All over the world, there are several martial arts schools and dojo’s that emphasize self defense a lot more than others. Schools that focus on kata, forms, or light sparring are less than likely to teach you what you need to protect yourself on the street. If you are looking for street self defense, then you’ll want a style that trains hard and doesn’t let up. Fitness Even though martial arts can improve your fitness level, it isn’t the goal behind a lot of the martial arts styles. Several styles, such as Tae Bo, are based purely on martial arts and doesn’t include a lot of physical fitness training. If you are looking for fitness as your main goal, then you should be looking into something other than martial arts. Fighting ability This will vary among the many different martial arts styles. Self defense schools will most often take advantage of fighting skills, teaching you everything you need to survive. Most martial arts styles are slow in theory, teaching you kata, movements, and forms. Self defense schools on the other hand, teach you how to inflict the most amounts of damage in the least amount of time. Competition Competition based martial arts are all about winning trophies and showing the world your style of martial arts. The competition that you have chosen, will greatly impact your style of martial arts. You’ll need to decide if you will be fighting or showcasing display kata, light or heavy contact, or focusing on grappling or striking. Before you decide on a martial arts style, you should always research the schools and dojo’s in your area and see what all they offer you. The best schools will allow you to participate in a few free classes, or offer you discounts on your first few months. They will answer any questions that you have, and work with you to help you learn as much as you can. Martial arts can be a very fun and exciting learning experience. There are hundreds of different martial arts styles out there, although you may be limited in choice, depending on what all is offered in your area. Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Kickboxing, and Jiu-Jitsu and some of the most common types of martial arts, and normally offered just about everywhere. The more distinct styles, such as Kung Fu, Shootfighting, Kenpo, and Shaolin styles are a bit hard to harder to find. If you do your homework on some of the styles that are offered in your area, you’ll find one that best fits your reasons to study. Martial arts can change your outlook on life - all you have to do it devote yourself to learning all you can about the philosophy of your martial art. (word count 650)

Buying an electric stairlift

Numerous models and styles of electric stair lifts are out in the market today. Each one has its own special features over the others. One model or brand can be cheaper but it does not necessarily follow that it is the best for you. Another model seems to be fine until you discover it is so difficult to maintain and the warranty is very short compare to other models. Asking and searching around are not enough to ensure you have the most appropriate lift. Below are some tips you may consider when planning to purchase an electric stair lift. • Familiarize yourself with basic information It is very helpful if at least one person in your home understands the basic information about electric stair lifts such as lifting capacity, fold up dimension, drive system, operator controls and many more. You can find such details on the Internet. This will prevent salesmen from confusing you with highfalutin technical terms. It will also help you in finding the right model to buy since you have a clear and better understanding of what you need. • Determine your requirements Obviously you are buying a stair lift because you need one. But who needs it? How many people do you expect to use it and how often? Where do you plan to put it? These are basic questions that should be answered even before you search for retailers and distributors. Knowing these important details can make you save so much time, effort, money and troubles in the future. After outlining your requirements, you will have easier time in deciding which model and features should you look for. • Request for in-home consultation The consulting team may be independent of the reseller or distributor you intend to purchase your stair lift from. They have the expertise and experience in checking and determining which electric stair lifts is best for your home. They can check flooring requirements, stair dimensions, electrical constraints, and other important things you have to know and should consider. A consulting party can even give recommendations on where to get the best deals. It may cost you an extra buck but if you end up getting a really good advice on all the features and extras you want for your lift then why not. • Check for financing programs You may have enough cash to fund the purchase of a new electric stair lift but considering some financing options would not hurt. It includes various bank loans, Federal Housing Administration and Department of Housing and Community assistance programs, health insurance coverage, and even IRS tax deductible. Using one of these financing plans may help you in getting the best stair lifts for your home. So go ahead and do not end up unhappy and miserable. That bad knee or back pain surely needs time for therapy and healing. For the meantime, your newly bought electric stair lift should provide comfort, convenience and safety to you.

Adding in the brake fluid

First off, what is brake fluid? Brake fluid is actually a type of hydraulic fluid. It is commonly used in brake applications and brake systems found in automobiles as well as light trucks. What brake fluid does is it actually transfers force under pressure from where it is created. The fluid does this through the automobile’s brake system’s hydraulic lines. It transfers the force to the braking mechanism which is found near the wheels of the car. Brake fluids work well in making a vehicle come to a halt. This is primarily because of the property of liquids and fluids that they are not basically compressible by nature. And since they do need enough force to actually put a running vehicle to a stop, these brake fluids are the best types to use for they do not wear down or get damaged and can work efficiently in providing the required amount of force. If you would notice, cars that have manual transmission systems mounted in them use a clutch cable or a hydraulic system. For cars with a hydraulic clutch, it is important to check first the clutch master cylinder then add brake fluid. It is also essential that you do this regularly. If you are unsure as per what kind of brake fluid to use, you can refer to your car owner’s manual for such information. To add brake fluid to your car’s clutch master cylinder’s reservoir, you should first know what it actually looks like. You would most likely locate this closer to the driver’s side fender and it looks smaller compared to the brake master cylinder’s reservoir. Make sure that before you remove the cap that it is clean. This is to ensure that there would not be any dirt, grime, or any type of debris that would fall into the reservoir itself. You would know if it is time to add in more brake fluid because the full level should reach the rim of the reservoir.

Convey environment concerns through cartoon logo

Cartoon Logos are the most effective and explicit form of conveying important and significant messages. Today it has become necessary for mankind to focus on various environmental problems surrounding us. Man’s achievement in technology are indeed remarkable, but unfortunately they have contributed to spoiling the environment that sustains life. We are destroying healthy living conditions. We are playing havoc with environment, inhaling poisonous fumes, consuming fertilizers and pesticides in our daily diet. The depletion of ozone layer has led to global warming and extinction of several species of animals and birds. Thousands of animals are left unsheltered. We are slowly advancing towards the destruction of our own planet and in spite of concerted efforts of government and non governmental agencies, little progress is possible unless awareness is generated at the level of masses. Each individual has to take the responsibility of keeping the environment pollution free. Deforestation has led to soil erosion and infertility of land. Forests have been burnt to clear land for houses, farming and industries. Let us all preserve our planet from further damage. People tend to stop and look at colorful images that express sardonic issue and get the message loud and clear without getting offended in any manner. We humans are the main inhabitants of the globe and it is our duty to protect our environment. Let this message be conveyed to one and all in an effective but suitable manner This is where Cartoon Logos can play a vital role in helping to identify this global issue and in spreading awareness about it, in a delightful, light hearted manner. A visual impact of a cartoon logo is far more effective, than bring long worded messages or sermons. A cartoonist can make logos of amusing, loving animals, birds, trees and flowers to convey life saving messages. Imagine a cuddly tree with pleading eyes or a cute monkey hugging a tree saying “ No Tree No Me”. A well known brand of ice-cream or a snow man melting due to global warming . Little angels in gas mask visiting the earth or showing earth a tap with dark dirty water and a skeleton drinking it . A beautiful drooping, wilting flower near a dry tap or a Santa clause with all his Xmas goodies huffing and puffing on eco friendly cycle. All these images can make a powerful visual impact. Glimpses of these cartoons on hoardings and posters seen by us during our day to day rushed activities are not forced on us, but on the contrary they act as a welcome diversion. Consciously or unconsciously we store the information in the back of our minds. Cartoon logos act on our conscience and remind us of our responsibilities and duties towards the environment.

What you need to know about free adware removal software

Protecting your computer from adware is vital if you want to keep it running properly. Having adware on your computer can also compromise your personal information if it is advanced enough. Spyware is the version of adware that can read passwords and access online accounts from behind the scenes. At the very least all those pop ups are very annoying when you are using your computer. Never click on any of them because this is the first step to infecting your computer with adware. You will be surprised how clever adware really is when it comes to hiding in your computer system. While you won’t be able to find it even searching specifically for it, the program continues to embed itself in your system and track your internet patterns of use. They are able to access the codes for your computer system so they are able to continue hiding out. In order to effectively remove such adware from your computer, you will need to have a very aggressive software removal tool. Yet this is a process that needs to be carefully followed in order to get the most benefits. There are plenty of adware removal tools to select from. Yet some of them do nothing but actually put adware onto your computer so make sure you research the background of the program before you commit to using it. Most adware removal programs are very simple to install and to use. Make sure you follow the directions and always accept the new updates that are sent your way to provide you with the very best line of protection. Look for those adware programs that have implemented the very latest technology as they will be able to fight the various types of adware programs that seem to get more complicated all the time. It is a good idea to consider a complete package of protection for your computer system. Invest in an anti virus program rather than settling for a free adware removal tool that you can implement. These anti virus programs can protect your computer from various types of infiltration processes that are engaged in to get your personal information. Once you have selected the right anti virus or adware protection program for your needs, carefully install it following all of the given directions. You will need to close all of your computer applications in order to do this successfully. In many instances you will be asked to turn off the internet connection during the installation process. As soon as the program has been installed it will run a complete scan of your entire computer system. Any adware it finds will be removed immediately while safeguards will be in place to prevent further attacks of your computer. Most adware removal tools will continue to work behind the scenes to watch for new adware on a regular basis.