As gas prices continue to rise, you may find yourself losing more and more money in your budget each month. Gas prices, like stocks are unpredictable. You don’t know if the prices are going to go up each month or if they are going to go down. This makes it extremely tough to budget your gas expenses. A lot of people don’t realize that there are many alternative ways to travelling instead of driving yourself. This can cut back on a lot of gas money if you’re tight with your budget month to month. Even if you follow through on a few of these techniques each month, you may find yourself saving more than expected. Public Transportation If you live in or near a big city, it should have some sort of public transportation. Refer to your city’s public transportation website on scheduling. Wheather you have to go to work or up to the grocery store, a bus will usually take you there. The only downside to this alternative travelling method is that you can’t just get up and go. You will have to wait for the bus to arrive and leave. Public transportaion can be extremely cheap, especially if you purchase a yearly pass. Carpooling If you already know some people at work, school, etc that live nearby, you could set up a carpooling schedule. A lot of the times people will choose to drive one week while the other drives the next. This will cut your fuel costs nearly in half! Be sure to also check out to see if your state offers a park and ride program. This is where you can meet up with other people who are looking to carpool like yourself. There are designated areas throughout the highways where you can park and meetup. Exercise! Exercise is good regardless and if you live near a city, hop on your bike or just walk up to the store. While we know you can’t walk everywhere, it’s always safe to walk to areas that are about one to two miles close to your house. This is ensures that the weather doesn’t change and rain you out while you leave the grocery store. Biking is also another great method of transportation. If you live near a city with a lot of sidewalks, this can make the biking trip a lot safer and easier. Now we know you can’t bike in the winter but in the warmer months, be sure to take advantage of this! Many people just don’t sit down and think on ways of cutting back on costs. Besides the topics mentioned above, you can always cut back on your lesiure driving. Instead of driving to the store three times a week, only travel up there once a week. Also be sure to make sure your car is properly maintained and you know how to properly save on mileage. There are many ways to save on fuel and it’s up to you to ensue them. If you don’t have the motivation or dedication to try, you’ll never save money with gas!
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